Meet our Leadership Team

Tom earned his Bachelor of Science in Health and Physical Education from Gannon University in Erie, Pennsylvania in 1994. After college, Tom spent over 5 years in the Army as an Infantry Officer. He graduated from Air Assault and Airborne Schools, as well as earning the coveted Ranger Tab and Expert Infantryman’s Badge. His background in athletics includes lettering in track, cross-country, swimming, and volleyball. Tom tries his best to lead from the front by participating in local road races from 5K to marathons and triathlons. Feel free to connect with Tom here: (Athlinks, Garmin) In his spare time enjoys spending time with his young family (Facebook).
Tom has engineered the backbone of Sergeant’s Fitness Concepts from over 20 years of experience in the fitness industry. His experience involves the most important aspects of running a fitness business, including management, sales, marketing, customer service, personal training, and group exercise instruction. He understands that a successful fitness service organization develops relationships with clients by listening to their needs and ensuring that they are getting what they need.
Tom feels strongly about creating a mutually beneficial relationship with everyone involved with Sarge. This includes not only the clients, but the trainers working for, Sarge as well. This relationship is the foundation of Sarges’ success because everyone wins!
Tom believes in open communication from clients, potential clients or anyone else wishing to speak with him about Sergeant’s Fitness Concepts (AKA Sarge Fitness).

Carol has a BS degree in Biology from North Central College in Naperville, Illinois, and a MS degree in Exercise and Muscle Physiology from Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. She is married with two daughters. Carol is an avid runner who enjoys being in the great outdoors, no matter what the weather. Currently residing in Colorado, Carol is not able to participate in the bootcamp program however, while living in VA, she enjoyed subbing as a bootcamp trainer whenever possible. Instead, she likes to take weekly muscle conditioning classes for variety and lift weights a couple of days a week. Carol plays on a women’s 4’s-indoor volleyball team and subs for a coed (indoor!) sand volleyball league. Carol’s is responsibilities for all billing and accounts for current clients of Sarge Fitness.