Yesterday, I asked for feedback on the fit tips. One person came back and said, “They are good but really long and most of it is common sense.”
Yup, common sense and yet: The U.S. surgeon general estimates that as many as 300,000 American deaths every year may be linked to a preventable disease called obesity. Over a third of American adults and about 17 percent of children and adolescents are obese, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Being overweight isn’t something to take lightly either. Type 2 diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, stroke and osteoarthritis are all common traits of people who carry excess weight over long periods of time. The CDC reports, nearly 70% of Americans are overweight. To lose weight the majority of Americans turn to some version of a nutritionally deficient diet program, nutrition supplements or weight loss pills, often resulting in short term change.
The Boston Medical Center indicates that roughly 45 million Americans attempt some sort of diet each year. American’s spend roughly $33 billion on weight-loss products hoping for a magical transition to the body they have always wanted.
Maybe, just maybe, common sense, drugs and dieting are not the solution to the problem. Instead, trust your primary fitness resource; not a magazine, friend or family member, and take the ACTIONS that are going to produce real results that last a lifetime.
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